Monday, February 28, 2005

Can anyone say.... I dunno...

LOL! Ok, so how totally and completely *pathetic* is this??? I now have 4 blogs (oh, and I updated TJ's and Crys' blog... Check it... If ye be brave! ;D), 1 Xanga, and 1 MySpace!!! TJ, wouldn't you say this is proof enough to become like the queen of all No-Lifers ever? Yeah, that's what I thought... ;)

Anyway... I can't do it now, but I'll update more later. Sorry guys, this MySpace thing is wack. I can't figure it out for the life of me, and it's detracting from my attention here. More later! :)

<>< Christi <><

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Crazy Times

Ok, first I want to apologize to all of you fellow Alice in Wonderland fanatics for my misquoting in the last post. I have not seen that movie (the old cartoon one. It's the only one worth watching in my opinion, lol) in what seems like forever, so my memory is a little rusty! ;) Also, sorry for stealing that from your Xanga Sara! I *seriously* had no idea why I had it stuck in my head all weekend till you said that! :p GO BLONDES! :D

So anyway, God is good *crowd echos* (all the time)! All the time *crowd echos again* (God is good)! :) I love it when we do that in my church! It's like this adrenaline rush from hearing 2000 people declaring that God is good ALL THE TIME at once, and giving the glory to Him! God seriously rules, does He not? ;)

Anyway, this whole post is turning out to be almost as random as my last one. Except a bit more on the serious side and less on flying pigs. Oh well.

Music seems to be such a huge part of my life now. More and more, every day I want to pick up my guitar and play and sing and write from sun-up to sun-down! It's interesting too, because other people around me are starting to talk to me more because, suddenly, I have something in common with them! I'm not this freak-homeschooler that doesn't have a life and has no clue what *cool* is. Instead I'm this guitar chick that can sing and play well enough that people aren't running away in all directions and screaming to evacuate the building, lol. Talk about a huge change from what I'm used to... :p

So, I know that probably no one else in the whole world can identify with that. Maybe I still am some uber-freak that doesn't know anything and isn't used to people wanting to get to know her more! Yeah, that's it. I'm a one-of-a-kind freak that was born in the '80s, and proud of it! :D Kind of... lol.

Anyway, enough blabbering for now. NO clue where I was going with that! :p I need to find things that people will actually benefit from reading instead of being all random and stuff. Maybe then I can fool people into thinking I'm cool! ;) LOL! As if.. :P

God bless you all, and I promise I'll do my best to come up with something better to say next time. This has been another episode of Pointless Ponders, and this is me signing out. Till next time...

<>< Christi <><

Friday, February 18, 2005

"The time has come,"...

...The walrus said, "To talk of many things, of shoes and ships and ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings, of where the sea is boiling hot, and whether fish have wings!"

Do fish have wings? Because there definialy places where the sea is boiling hot... What do cabbages and kings have in common? Is cabbage a nickname for queens? In that case, kings eat cabbage, so do kings eat their queens? Is the author of this poem suggesting that kings are cannibles and queens are nothing but veggies??

Ok, I have to go now. My best friend is here (almost) for a sleepover and I have to start dinner. I was gunna try to bring this whole post to a most "serious" ending, lol, but I don't have time now. :p

God bless, and I hope your days are filled with wonderful and exciting randomness to the Nth degree! :D *hugs*

In Him,

<>< Christi <><

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

"Sunny with a high of 75...

...Since You took my heavy heart and made it light..."

Take my heavy heart? That sounds wonderful. Why is it that songs seem to make up so much of my life? Because I can start with a song like this, and who knows where it'll take me! I can go from Relient K ("You took my heavy heart and made it light") to Superchic[k]s song ("some people bring you gifts, some bring you bricks to weigh you down") to a song my dad wrote ("I need a little help Lord, to find my way, it gets a little crazy though it's just another day..") to whoever does this one ("Put a smile on your face, it'll make the world look better, put a smile on your face...") to Rebecca St. James ("You make the road rise up to meet me, You make the sun shine warm upon my face, the wind is at my back and the rain falls soft..") to Point of Grace ("Lord the sky's still blue for my hope is in You, You're my joy, You're the dream that's still alive..") and so on. Just in that last paragraph my mood has changed. *Just* from reading those lyrics. Can anyone say music isn't powerful?

Have you ever had feelings that were just *so* strong, and you wanted to share them with anyone..everyone..around you? But you JUST CAN'T find the words to describe it! Have you ever wanted to draw or paint a picture of something and you're just SO inspired, but after a minute or two of trying and all you come up with is some scribbles that would have been bad for a 5 year old? Or writing! Have you ever *REALLY* wanted to write a story or a song or poem about something that was soooo important to you, but you couldn't find the right words, and it's worse than the school paper you failed last week? Or music! Have you ever wanted to just sit down with an instrument and play your heart out, all to hear your mom screaming to get the cat off the keyboard? And even if she doesn't, you just can't get the feelings out that you so throughly were hoping to. It's like a pimple that is just deep enough under your skin that you can't pop it, but close enough to the surface that it hurts like the dickens, right?

As I read back now on my last two paragraphs, I have NO idea where they came from. Talk about random, lol! But I guess they are things I've been thinking about a LOT lately, so I guess it's not *too* random. Plus I'm sure someone out there can identify with this. Just so you know, whoever you are, you're not alone! *hugs*

Anyway, I've rambled on enough for today I think. I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week! Oh, and if you're like my best friend Jacque and thought this was the only place I spent my time, you're wrong. I also have a Xanga. You can check it out in my links area (which you should still check out if you haven't already!), or here: The Eternal Abyss of Nothingness. Anyway, this is Christi Kentworthy wishing you a wonderful week! Keep your eggs sunny side up! :D

<>< Christi <><

"It's funny how you find you enjoy your life, when you're happy to be alive!"

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Ok, so I MAJORLY apologize to those few readers for the length of my previous 3 posts. I got too much into story writing mode, and that can be dangerous for me! ;)

Anyway, I thought I'd break up the length by posing the question and answer to a short but confusing and interesting question:

If God can do anything, can He make a rock SO big that He cannot lift it?

The answer? No. Why? If God can do anything, why can't He do that??? The answer is really quite simple! God cannot go against Himself, and, to be able to create something He could not move when He can supposedly do anything, would be to contradict Himself. The only 2 things God can't do:

1. Sin

2. Contradict Himself

Interesting, huh? Till next time, remember that our God is there for us no matter what, and He can help us though ANYTHING! God bless, and have a wonderful day! 0:)

In Him,

<>< Christi <><

Monday, February 07, 2005

Part 3

For the 3rd and final part...(sorry this is taking so long, I'm on a writing role, and I love writing so I can't stop, lol! :p You don't have to read if you don't want to. ;) Anyway, to continue......)

The next morning came, and panic was evident. She ate breakfast quickly, and got back to the dorms to go over her "speech". Almost nothing was decided. She wrote down a few points that she learned through the trip, but that was it.

Again, panic set in about 2 hours later when she ran into the meeting room, realizing she missed worship and they were waiting for her to talk. She ran up on the stage, sat down, and looked into the audience to see a bunch of faces that were half asleep. Great. Now she was gunna have to keep their attention too. Again, she. Was. Doomed.

She quickly explained about the spiritual status in Greece (that 98% of Grecians were Greek Orthodox, 0.002% were born again believers). No response. She talked about a few of their adventures in Greece. Was that snoring? She finished with the lessons she learned. She was finally done. Was that one person half-clapping in the back? Oh, no..It was the leader getting up to move the group along. Failure. 110% failure.

She got up and walked off the stage and quietly slipped out of the room to get a glass of water. Or that's what she said. Really, she was shaking so badly that she couldn't have held a glass...It would have been on the floor in seconds. She sat down outside the chapel room in the hallway, and started crying. Then she heard the door open. She stopped...Or at least tried. It was Mark, the speaker of the camp. He gave her a hug and congratulated her for doing such a beautiful job. "Beautiful job?? Huh, I wish!" She replied sarcastically. She knew she had blown it. But Mark didn't stop. He said a few more words, praised her again, and left. Basically he showed her, in those few words, her flawed wanting of perfection. She didn't do that bad, and, believe it or not, she actually showed some talent for speaking. But she let her expectations get in the way and cloud her view. And, even though to this very day Christi *still* doesn't think she did as good as she could have (which is true), she learned and invaluable lesson that she will never forget.

She is not perfect, but God loves her anyway, and will use her in amazing and beautiful ways if she'll just back off here unrealistic expectations and humble herself before God. He can't change/use/mold something that's already perfect.

Part 2

Ok, I'd say this is just *slightly* overdue, lol. I'm sorry, my two (maybe one) faithful blog readers! :p My life is crazy!!!! ARG!!! :p

Anyway, to finish my story...

So, last we heard, Christi was at Winter Retreat and just finished listening to the evening speaker on the first day. After being totally and completely, beyond any and all imagination, impacted by the teaching, we find Christi outside the lodge in the freezing cold, snow falling, and tears pouring.

"How can that be?? I KNOW God loves me, but how could He pick me when I have nothing of worth to give back! Other kids have their music talents, writing talents, artistic talents, speaking talents, good looks, lots of friends and a HUGE range they could impact, and I have no music, writing, artistic, or speaking talents, good looks are *very* minimal, and I have a few acquantainces. There's NOTHING I can do well enough, and I'm totally imperfect and messed up. I'm a stupid homeschooler who doesn't know anything..." and on and on she went. And then it hit her..."I still have to speak tomorrow!!!!"

Brain fried, tired, and still crying (except harder by now), she tried to think of anything she could say the next day. God had shown her though Mark (the speaker) that what she had planned to say was NOT what God wanted her to share. So she had about 10 hours (about 8 of which she'd be sleeping) to come up with something new to say. But nothing would come. Everything seemed too stupid, empty, serious, or too short or long. 20 minutes of speaking time and all she could think to say was, "Hi, I'm Christi and I went to Greece in August." All of which the crowd already knew. She. Was. Doomed.

Then a friend walked by. Embarassed, Christi wiped the tears from her eyes and tried to pretend she was fine. He wouldn't fall for it. He sat down they talked for about an hour or so. She explained all her thoughts and fears, and he shot them down, one by one. He helped her to get her mind off of it for a bit, and then he invited her to come with a few friends over to the game barn for a bit. She hesitated, but went along. The rest of the evening was wonderful, nothing but pure fun, but she forgot about her 20 minutes on the stage the next day, and didn't get anything new ready.

"To be continued....again, lol"

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Hey everyone! I just got this idea that I could update my blog via my new cell phone, so I thought I'd test it! :) Anyway,