Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Ok, so basicly my life over the past month: Finished my first quarter at Skagit with As and Bs, my dad lost his job and is currently unemployed, I am beginning what is looking like an endless job search, I rarely ever update this thing anymore because I switched to MySpace (though I'm going to start updating this one again with more serious stuff because I love it too much), God is awesome, I am nothing, and Love is everything. Now if only I could *find* it.. :/ Hehehe!

Well hey, it's 4:20am right now so I think I'm going to go to bed. But first, a question: How can I make my Blog better/cooler? I'm trying to change it, but I know CSS better than HTML and I'm having a HECK of a time trying to figure this out! Grrr, why can't websites all just speak ONE language?!? :p Anyway, if you have any help or advice to offer, I and my Sanity would thank you greatly! ;)

God Bless and Much Love,

<>< Christi <><


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