Friday, February 18, 2005

"The time has come,"...

...The walrus said, "To talk of many things, of shoes and ships and ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings, of where the sea is boiling hot, and whether fish have wings!"

Do fish have wings? Because there definialy places where the sea is boiling hot... What do cabbages and kings have in common? Is cabbage a nickname for queens? In that case, kings eat cabbage, so do kings eat their queens? Is the author of this poem suggesting that kings are cannibles and queens are nothing but veggies??

Ok, I have to go now. My best friend is here (almost) for a sleepover and I have to start dinner. I was gunna try to bring this whole post to a most "serious" ending, lol, but I don't have time now. :p

God bless, and I hope your days are filled with wonderful and exciting randomness to the Nth degree! :D *hugs*

In Him,

<>< Christi <><


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it's "whether pigs have wings". My old sewing teacher would always quote it. And there are fish that have "wings". They are pretty awesome...Reading over this post, I sound totally snotty. *wince* Sorry. Oh, I'm a friend of Isjami's.

1:20 PM

Blogger FadingFlower said...

Hahaha, yeah, I realized my error right after I read that, lol! And, as far as I know, I have not yet seen a pig with wings... :p Thanks for the correction! :)

And any friend of Isjami's is a friend of mine! :D He's definiatly a cool kid! ;)

Lol, God bless and thanks for commenting! :)

<>< Christi <><

P.S. You too Tim! You rawk my sawks off! :D!!!!!

1:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT's okay if you're confused. The quote is from "Alice in Wonderland" and it's a well known fact that the author of that book was high when he wrote it. It's not supposed to make sense. :) I still like the quote though. I wonder where the idea struk you to use this quote... probably from some GEORGOUS girl you know... right?

3:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT's okay if you're confused. The quote is from "Alice in Wonderland" and it's a well known fact that the author of that book was high when he wrote it. It's not supposed to make sense. :) I still like the quote though. I wonder where the idea struk you to use this quote... probably from some GEORGOUS girl you know... right?

3:12 PM

Blogger FadingFlower said...

Dude, you ALL TOTALLY RAWK MY SAWKZ OFF!!!!!!!!!!! :D

*HUGE GROUP HUG* I lurv u all muchly! 0:3

<>< Christi <><

10:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

muchly? Sorry Christi, but your grammar-concious, best friend here had to comment on that one!


12:39 PM


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