Tired and ready-to-give-up, but God's still there ?
Wow...I thought I liked the busy, non-stop lifestyle, but it's really starting to eat at me. I have no time to just sit back and chill and listen to music or do email or AIM or even play my guitar!!! I'm constantly tired, and I've actually been more disagreeing with my parents lately (which, for me, is NOT a good sign, because I usually try as hard as I can to cooperate with them and obey and not argue...different story right now...)!
But the Bible says "Come to Me all who are weary, and *I* will give you rest!" (that's actually quoting Rebecca St. James' song because I can't remember right now where in the Bible it says that, lol)
Is He meaning spiritual rest? Physcial rest? Both? What? Well, I've been finding that just being in His presence is restful and relaxing...just laying on my bed and saying, "God, I love You! You are my King, my Creator, my Savior, and my Daddy! I praise You Father! Thank You for being all You are to me!" And then just resting in His love and grace as I'm overwhelmed with Him...it gives me a chance to focus on what my focus point SHOULD be (God) instead of what it becomes (work, school, chores, etc.). So then when I'm done, I walk away with a new-found strength and I'm able to face a lot more with confidence! :)
So, take some time to just sit back and relax and meditate in God's holy and refreshing presence...even if you aren't stressed out or tired, it's still an awesome experience! :D Speaking of which, I think I'll go do that right now...
God bless you all, and have a great rest-of-the-week!
<>< Fading Flower<><