Thursday, June 10, 2004

Once in a while race or eternal running?

Ok, sorry I didn't say much in my first was breakfast time and if I stopped for any longer than I did, I would have been in *huge* trouble! I had SOOOOO many things that needed to get done, I just couldn't (and my mom wouldn't let me anyways) stop.

Ever feel like you're just a guinea pig? You're stuck in the cage of life (which can be good at times and not so appealing at others) and all you can do is eat, sleep, and run around in circles in your little wheely-deal (also, we have parents and teachers telling us to do school and homework and also get jobs...a few of the things that sets us apart from guinea pigs). So in my life, I don't want to just sit back and eat or sleep, so I jump full-throttle into the wheel expecting some good times. What I don't expect, though, is that once you get the wheel rolling, it seems to never stop. First it's one thing, then the next, and then the thing after that!!! It just NEVER stops!!!

Speaking of it never stopping, just when I thought my wheel was going to slow down, my sister wants to do some stuff with me and my mom wants me to get off her computer and do something useful. So I guess I'm going to go jump back in for another ride.....I wonder when it will stop...........?


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