Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Oh my wienershitznel!!!!!

it has been FOREVER since i have updated this!!!! i can't believe i've not been talking to all -3 of you!!! (in case you didn't understand that, it was "all negative three of you"...).....

ANYWAYS, that doesn't matter, cuz now i'm talking, and that's a good thing...i think...whatever.

so i went on a camping trip with my dad this last weekend...we had fun, roasted mini-marshmallows over a campfire (talk about a HUGE challenge, lol), woke up at 5 am to go fishing, i impressed 4 cute teenage guys who were out in a boat near us fishing when i caught a fish after them being out for like an hour and not getting a thing, " wurst roasted over an open fire, mosquitoes nipping at our noses" (sorry, i couldn't resist! :P),  saw Spider Man 2 in a drive-in theatre (my first time ever!!! it was SOOO awesome!!!....oh yeah, the movie was good too!!!)....but what i'm going to say has absolutly NOTHING to do with all that.

what i want to talk about is what i learned in church this last sunday. i went to a new church that was down near where we had been camping, and it was pretty cool! the sermon was on how to be a domostique...basically the worker bee of a bike team in biking races. he's the one that brings water to all the riders, gives them the extra boost of strength they need, encourages them when they start feeling hopeless, etc. it gave me a much better idea of what encouragement can do for people...and what it can do for the person *giving* the encouragement!!

i know encouragement is something i've been needing a LOT of lately cuz things have been getting hectic, and almost hopeless, sometimes. but my friends, family, and God have been right there to keep me on, and they have no idea what's it's meant to me! :)

so, this weeks challenge (or at least the challenge till the next time i update) is to try to keep your spiritual eyes and ears open and try to find AT LEAST one person to just really go all out and encourage them like the dickens!!! just totally drench them in loving confidence boosters and strong words of encouragement! before you know it, it will not only make the other person's day, but it will make YOUR day a lot more fulfilling as well!!

God bless you, and have a wonderful, encouraging week!!! :D


Tuesday, July 20, 2004


i just thought i'd post the link to my other blog, "To Athens With Love". it's all about my mission trip, and i'll be constantly updating it while i'm in greece! it's pretty cool, so check it out!!! :)


<>< Fading Flower <><

Total Coolness

ok, i was just checking out some friend's sites, and one had a link to a "name acronym generator, and i decided to try it:

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

now, if that isn't TOTALLY me, then what is???

ok, so it's also freaky how much that they knew about me....maybe there really are things that are just "Christi" things like a group of us were theorizing on...interesting!

and then also there's this nifty generator that will create warning signs for you too!



From Go-Quiz.com

HOW DID THEY KNOW I'M A PYRO?!?!?!?!?!? i think the internet has gone too far this time......

anyways, this is seriously impressed and flusterated christi signing off for now,

<>< FadingFlower <><

Monday, July 19, 2004


Have you ever had a time when you were tired, discouraged, limping and hurting from the uphill battle of your life that you have been constantly fighting and aren't getting any breaks from? And then, when you were in that situtation and it came to your bleakest hour where you didn't think ANYTHING could help when all of the sudden someone came along and shed some light on the situtation...they took your sword and stood in front of you and helped fight off the evils, or, at least, helped you hold the sword up a little higher and a little steadier and, in turn, helped you slay your enemy?
Well, I haven't been fighting a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad battle by any means, but I've been dealing with something called pride. Now, in my case when I say pride, I don't mean I'm struggling with it, I mean my pride in me and myself (what little I have) is being constantly bashed and teased, torn apart and shredded till it's finer than mexican shredded cheese on a Taco Bell hard shell taco!!! Whenever I go out in public, my friends think it's funny to tease, and, even worse, they say I'm fun to tease cuz I laugh when I get upset and I'm "cute", so they say......but it's not so cute to me.
So I guess where I'm going with this is here: Please, no matter what kind of teasing you do, please stop and think about it before you say it next time. And just because you don't seriously mean it (which is the case with my friends...they just think it's fun), stop and think how it would affect someone if it was meant or taken seriously...most of the time it really hurts, and it turns out it's not so funny after all!
So, you're probably wondering, "Why did you call the title 'Godsends', if you're talking about being teased?" Good question! It's because I want to thank a few certain Godsends for their encouragement and love. It's been a rough path to travel the past few weeks, but there have been a few people who I have talked to along the way who have just been very loving and very supportive, which has helped MEGATONS!!! Godsends, you most likely don't know who you are (tho only one who does know understands this phrase/joke..."It's all your fault! ;D!!!), but I want to thank you anyways!!! You have helped me more than you could ever know,  and I am definiatly in your debt! God bless you!!!! 0:)
So, the morals of todays story are: Be careful who, what (and how) you tease, and take every chance you can to love and encourage your friends and family; you never know when you might be their Godsend! :)
Till next time!
     In Him,

Friday, July 09, 2004

Praise God!

Ok, as I said in my last post, I have been ultra-mega busy lately...until I went on a two week vacation with my family. I got the first chances to sit back, relax, have fun, not worry about anything except what fun thing I should do next, and PLAY MY GUITAR!!! :) Hallejuia!!! :D

Besides getting the chill time I needed though, I also got to hang out with my family and cousins a LOT on this trip (it was a family reunion). It was a BLAST because 4 of my cousins live in Wisconsin, my Aunt and Uncle and 5 of my cousins live in Southern California, and my sister and parents and I live about an hour away from the border of Canada in Washington. So, as you can imagine, we don't get to see each other much...

But while I was hanging out with them, God used my two cousins that are closest to my age, Jake and Meagan, to show me the answers to a LOT of big things I've been dealing with lately. They are both so mature, nice, polite, respectful, cool, and just fun-to-hang-out-with people that I really look up to the both of them a lot now.

But anyways, I've said WAY too much for now...I'll post more on this subject later so there isn't so much writing that it scares you away from reading it (if anyone IS reading this, lol)!

Anyways, God bless you all, and have a great, fun-filled day! :)

<>< FadingFlower <><