Friday, July 15, 2005

What *Would* Jesus Do?

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses it's saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on it's stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
-Matt. 5:13-16-

So, you're hanging with your friends, talking, laughing, and having a jolly 'ol time, when all the sudden, someone says something. Something that isn't really the most "appropriate", but still kind of funny. Everyone laughs, right? And then the jokes continue on: More and more colorful and inappropriate. What do you do? As a good Christian kid, you know you should back out.
But as a friend of everyone else, you don't want to miss out and this may even bring you to be more accepted with the group. I mean, how much can a few jokes hurt?

But then an old friend walks in. Someone you haven't seen since 6th grade Sunday School.
You don't notice them, but they sure notice you! The laughter and hyper voices reach all the way across the room, and they hear every word you and your friends are saying.
You turn around just in time to see them shake their head, wondering what caused you to change from the good kid you were before to this. And you realize that you just crossed the lines of being a witness, to compromising your God and your faith. Ouch.

Something similar just happened to me. I've always been considered the "good kid". I was homeschooled, my few days out of the house in a week consisted of Awana, church, and Wed. night Sunday School, and living my life for God was my one biggest desire and dream.

But over time, hanging out with other people and kind of loosing that passion, in a way, to be the perfect christian kid has caused me to slide. Now, I'm no where near as bad as I could be, but I've started compromising things that I never would have DREAMED of 5 years ago! To gain friends, to feel accepted, to attempt being "normal", to loose my "goody two-shoes" homeschooler image, the excuses go on and on. But valid reasons backing up my current decisions are scarce.

Why is it so hard to stand up for what I believe in? Why do I find myself having to make the constant decision of either going with the flow, as bad as it may be, or swimming upstream? Why do I struggle with this at all? Why is it an issue even when I'm with my christian friends??

John 17 talks about being in the world but not *of* it. But how do we know how far we can go? We need to be an example of what Jesus Christ is to the people around us, but how can we accomplish that if we only do "christian" things? If you do, people look at you like you're stuck up and too good and perfect for them. Instead of us conveying God's love and perfection, so often they see us going "I am Christian, HEAR ME ROAR!" Know what I mean?? But if we hang with the world and laugh at their jokes and just go along with it, we compromise that which shouldn't be compromised: Jesus Christ Himself.

I don't know what to think or do. My first committment is to Him, but how do I accomplish that? How do I determine what's right and wrong?
I'm totally lost and confused. I wish there was someone I could talk to right now..

But anyway, if you have any advice or something you think would help, *please* let me know! This is a pretty new issue for me, and I don't know how to deal with it. If you can, please help!!
If not, I want to apologise for anything I might have ever said or done that did not show God's love and awesome perfection to you through my words and actions. I really, *really* want to be someone that people can look up to as an example, but I'm WAY too messed up and wack for that.
I'm sorry for anything that might have pointed you away from God because of me...

Anyway, it's 1am. I should get some sleep. Sorry for all this rambling and stuff.. I just had to unload somewhere....

<>< Christi <><

Monday, July 04, 2005

"My country tis of thee,.."

"Sweet land of liberty, to thee I sing! Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgram's pride, from every mountainside let freedom ring!"

As I stood on a rock in my backyard last night, my eyes glued to the bright lights of the local fireworks, everything seemed right. My dad, who was standing next to me, put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug as we cherished the moment together. All of our guests were standing around watching with us, but they all seemed to fade away as I sunk deep into thought.

My mind drifted back to about a month ago when my family and I were vacationing on the east coast. All the sights and sounds flooded back as my memories became a somewhat current reality. I could see us walking around about a hundred places at once! The White House, the Washington and Lincoln memorials, the Arlington cemetary, the Vietnam wall, the World War II memorial, Boston Harbor, Lexington, Concord, Gettysburg, and so on.

I saw all the stories of individule soldiers from each war come to life: the Revolutionary war, the Civil war, World War I & II, Vietnam, and all the men fighting overseas for us now. Suddenly I was snapped back to real time with the boom of a consussion bomb.. Or was it a cannon? As I looked back up at where the fireworks had been alighting before, I saw something *much* different...

Instead of beautiful bursts of color, I saw guns going off in all directions: In front of me, behind me, on both sides, and even above me. I heard what before had been the screams of delight in the show but where now cries of pain and anguish. There were explosions all around, blood flying through the air, and a heavy cloud of sulfur hanging close to the ground.

The fear was apparent: Men cringed as sparks flew through the air, children ran to their mothers in hope of comfort that was scarce to be given, and animals ran for their lives but were unable to escape the fire which they were surrounded by.

But just when things seemed at their worst, a small shred of hope arose. The smoke lifted just enough for all to look up, and there it was! The most glorious site any man could hope for at such a time: The strong Red, White, and Blue, our Nation's Flag, was still standing erect and looked as bright and glorious as ever! The enemy hadn't gained victory yet, and all were determined that they never would. Then, as the soldiers said a quiet prayer, they all stood and charged the enemy with more firepower than could be concieved, and with a cry, the grand finale flew into the sky with more cheering and color than ever before! I stood there with friends around and my dad holding me close and said my own quiet prayer, thanking God for the victory of my country and all the blessings we had because of those men that gave thier lives.

Thank you, all the soldiers that fought for the UsA, and may God Bless America!

"My father's God to thee, author of Liberty, to thee I sing! Long may our land be bright with freedoms holy light, protect us by thy might Great God our King!"