Hey HEy HEY!!!
Fat Albert's coming to save the day!!!! :)

Have you guys seen the movie Fat Albert yet? It's a comedy put together by Bill Cosby (who also appears in the movie), and it's got more class and clean laugh-your-face-off jokes and plot lines than I have seen in a LONG time! The Fat Albert Gang are just the greatest bunch, and the actors in the movie are fantastic, and they would *definiatly* make a GREAT band!! ;)

But aside from it just being a funny movie, there's also a serious side to it. Doris Robinson is kind of an outcast from school. No one will hang out with her except her adopted sister Lauri, and she's barely making it in her classes and is lucky to finish in track (which she used to be one of the best runners). She goes home after school and sits down to watch tv with tears running down her cheeks. So, she turns on the cartoon Fat Albert and a tear drop falls unto the remote, which magicly trasports the teardrom into the cartoon. Fat Albert stops what he was doing and hears a girl crying, and then a tear drop hits the ground and creates a sort of "black hole" between the cartoon world and the real world the Doris' tv set. So Fat Albert decides to leave the cartoon world and help Doris. Then, the entire Fat Albert crew head through the tv screen, and promise to help Doris solve her problems.

I know it sounds kinda stupid to read about it, but it's really not. It's an exciting, heartfelt, and funny adventure that the movie then takes you on, reminding the audience that it's not what everyone else around you thinks you are on the outside...It's what's on the inside that counts. And even though that's an age-old lesson, Fat Albert puts a TOTALLY new spin on it that makes you wanna run and be no one but yourself again! :)

Anyway, never forget that you (yes, YOU!!! The one who's reading this by now! You ROCK!!! :D) are special and wonderful and are one-of-a-kind! I hope you have a wonderful new year of 2005, and I'll update more later! :)
In Him,
<>< Christi <><
P.S. You HAVE to see Fat Albert!!! It's the must-see movie of the year! ;)
Thanks to ImageShack for [URL=http://www.imageshack.us]Free Image Hosting[/URL]
Fat Albert pictures found at: http://members.tripod.com/BobCurry2/FatAlbert.html
Umm.. Okay Fat guy... Albert... Must see... Info Absorsed...commands accepted.
1:37 PM
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