Monday, November 01, 2004

The Sting of Death and New Life

Sounds fairly confusing, right? Let me explain:

This last weekend I had the privilege of going on my first Jr. High retreat as a leader. I had been really excited about the trip, and was really looking forward to seeing how God would work in the youth group.

The second day (Saturday) in the afternoon, I felt this burning feeling between my fingers. I looked down, and there was a wasp stuck there. After I managed to shake him loose (because of the funky dance and frantic screaming), my whole hand started burning. Thankfully I only got stung once (Praise God for that!!), and I'm not extremely allergic to the stings.

But because of the sting, my whole hand swelled up and it hurt like the dickens everytime I moved it or it got bumped. I couldn't use my hand for anything. It was like I had sprained it...Broken it...Like it had died.

Then it dawned on me: how many times do I take other things for granted? My legs, arms, head, heart, home, country, life, friends, family, youth group leaders, pastors, God, wea-....Wait! Did I just say God?

Yes, I did. My Jesus is my Lifeline, my Creator, my King, my Shepherd, my Master Builder, my Everything. And yet, I still take Him for granted almost daily! I've grown up so close to Him that I don't really know what life would be like without Him. It scares me to think of who I would be if He weren't in my life! I would be like I was without my hand: I couldn't (wouldn't) do as much, simple chores would hurt a LOT more, I'd become incredibly vulnerable, and would be constantly frustrated that I couldn't measure up to those around me. My life would be (pardon the phrase) "like hell" without God!

So now, because of this "new" realization, I hope to have a new dependence and respect and appreciation for my Savior, Christ, who gave up not only his hand, but his LIFE, and died to give me new life.

"Thank you, Father God, for being my everything!"

God bless you all!

In Him,

<>< Christi <><


Blogger Dave Mac said...

Hey Christi - I enjoyed your post! Sounds like God is really doing a great work in your heart and life. Keep chasing after Him... and keep giving your life more and more fully over to Him, for His design for you is one of tremendous beauty and great strength as a follower of Christ! You are an encouragement to me and others! Thanks... DMc

5:24 PM


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