Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Can someone say the word "busy"? Or how about "overwhelming"? "Crazy-go-nuts"? And then there's "life-changing".

That last sentance basically describes my life over the past three weeks. By my last post (MAN, was that wierd...I must have been high on Mt. Dew or something!) I'm sure it's very easy to recognize that things are just a *tad bit* crazy right now. Which is an unthinkable understatement. But this last weekend I had the oppertunity to go to Fall Rally with my youth group, and God was able to use that time to show me why I have been so stressed lately.

First off, I have this HUGE weakness of feeling like I have to be a perfectionist. I want to please others and impact their lives, so, naturally the best way to make an impact is to not have weaknesses so you can be a strong example for them. Right? Wrong! I have realized that by not admitting my weaknesses (mostly too much stress right now) that I have become MEGATONS weaker!!! I just kept pushing aside all my heart-screams telling me that I had to do something because I was too overwhelmed. But instead I'd harden up and tell myself that all teenagers deal with it, and so I can too without any problems. HA!!!

But over the weekend, God showed me that I was so focused on school and other commitments that I couldn't even have fun during the first part of Rally! But He used the worship and the speakers (as He loves doing) and helped me see that all I had to do is GIVE IT ALL TO HIM! (and that really hit me as we were singing the song "I surrender all to YOU, all to You!!") Now, giving things up is a WHOLE different story, and that shall be saved for possibly a later post. But suffice to say that it's not really a piece of cake for me. But, as the Holy Book so states, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!" (Phil. 4:13)

One last note before I go, I have recently discovered that two of the men I know (one was my jr. high youth pastor, and the other leads worship at my YG now) have very inspiring Blogs, and I have been throughly enjoying reading what they have to say. It's been VERY inspiring, and it's awesome to see these guys using all they have to serve our Lord to the best of their ability. ROCK ON GUYS!!! :D I love ya both!

Constantly reminded to Surrender All,

<>< Christi <><


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